Online Magazine

Take your Online Magazine to the Next Level!
Lead the revolution and be the first in your industry to offer your clients an Online Magazine. Gone are the days of having to make do with an uninteresting and awkward paper brochure. With an online magazine, or digital magazine, you can present your services and products like no one else.
Let us create a spellbinding myriad of colour, movement and sound that is sure to launch your business to the next level!
This engaging medium is sure to impress even the most sceptical of potential clients, eliminating all doubts that your company is way ahead of the competition. Digital Magazines have no limitations on page size, immediately giving a marked advantage over normal paper brochures. While your competition still makes do with the archaic paper and ink method, you can seize the advantage with Digital Magazines and propel your company to the top of the log.
Here are just some of the benefits associated with having BrandMedia create an Online Magazine for your business:
  • An Online Magazine reduces printing costs
  • Go Green and be eco-friendly with this paperless solution
  • Online Magazines are branded for your company
  • With many different ways to browse through the pages, anyone can use them
  • An Online Magazine never fades
  • An Online Magazine never ends up in the dustbin
How do I get an Online Magazine for my company?
BrandMedia will design an advanced Online Magazine at an affordable rate. All we require is a PDF / Word document, which we will then transform into a spectacular Digital Magazine that is sure to dazzle your clients!
Your Online Magazine will be able to display:
  • Animations
  • Videos and Sounds
  • HTML Links and Pop-ups
  • Spread Pages